
High-Speed Internet Expansion

High-speed internet has become a vital utility. Unfortunately, many areas still lack access. With online meetings, classes, banking, and shopping now normalized, it is more important than ever that the Internet is accessible and affordable everywhere.

Improving Parks and Recreation

Parks are where communities come together to participate in events, let children play, and enjoy nature. Parks are foundational to building a strong community. Not only do parks create more social opportunities, but they also help protect the natural environment. We must adequately fund our park system for the maintenance and expansion of park services.

Protecting Existing Services

Our county services are at risk if we cannot maintain funding and our excellent staff. Over the past several years, some Eaton County Offices have had to cut services due to limited staff and an inability to fill vacant positions. Most critically, our Sheriff’s Office cut 24/7 road patrol due to officer shortages. We must support recruitment efforts across all Eaton County departments by making wages competitive with surrounding communities.